Monday, August 28, 2006


Thought I might as well post this since it seems to fit in with the name of my blog. Well, that and I'm kinda bored.

A picture of me

Most people who have never seen me but know me from online, have always pictured me as looking like the typical Australian guy (at least what they assume all aussie men look like), that being blonde hair, good tan, surfie type. Which, I don't. So, here is a picture of me, it's not the greatest and it was taken after I had been to the dentist earlier that day, but it will have to do because I can't be bothered finding or getting a different one.


Jobs I've had:
1. Telemarketer.
2. Bartender
3. Assistant mine manager with an open cut coal mining contractor.
4. Purchasing officer and admin tech for GRS contracting.

Movies I would watch over and over again:
1. The nightmare before christmas
2. Pirates of the Caribbean
3. The Shawshank Redemption
4. Can't think of a fourth

Places you have lived:
1. Muswellbrook, NSW
2. Sydney, NSW
3. Newcastle, NSW
4. New York, USA

TV shows you love to watch:
1. 24
2. Boston Legal
3. Thats about it...
4. Nadda

Places you have been on vacation:
1. New York, USA
2. Toronto, Canada
3. Islands in the Great Barrier Reef
4. London

Favorite foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Ribs, almost any type
3. Chinese (not one particular favourite)
4. Indian (again, not one particular favourite)

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. One place that I'm not going to name
2. Japan
3. Dublin (or Ireland)
4. Alot of places that aren't where I am now

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I don't know why it is that I'm posting this here now, when I haven't felt like doing much of anything for the last two weeks. Maybe it's that tonight it really hit me. I just sat, crying for I don't know how long, wanting to yell, and scream, and let everything out.

For those who don't know what happened, almost two weeks ago, an extremely close, personal friend, was killed in a car accident. They were one of the most important people I have ever had in my life, and probably ever will. They were such a kind, amazing, special person. They were one of the very few people I could talk to about anything. They never once judged me. I always had their unconditional friendship and they never had a single expectation of me, and that meant the world to me. I miss it. I miss her.

I miss her so FUCKING much, and want them back so badly it kills me

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Well, just got home from my first chat with an old, bald guy that my doctor suggested I visit, and since I was sitting here doing a lot of nothing, I decided I might as well put this blank space to some sort of use. I previously had a web journal that I kept updated for about five years, but deleted all of it in a fit of rage (don't ask) about six months ago, so hopefully for those old online and real life friends of mine who I haven't talked to in long time, this blog will fill in who I am and what I am doing with my life now.

Some of you know me only as the character Tyranian, who was first created on an online game called mozart mud roughly 10 years ago (if you want to know what that is, check out, some who will read this only know me as Peter, and a few lucky people (though they would probably say unfortunate) know me as both.

Well, about the "real" me. As mentioned, my name is Peter. I turned 30 this year and didn't really like the drunk and got another piercing, this time in an odd place (*gags Crystene*). I now spend most of my time in Newcastle, (for the benefit of people outside australia, it's a city about 2hrs north of Sydney) working hard at a business I started with my younger brother about 7-8 months ago. We have a secondhand bookstore, specializing mainly in rare and collectible books. It's going okay so far, and it keeps me pretty busy.

Outside of work and moz, several passions are writing short adult fiction and poetry (bad poetry at that), drawing (which I actually think I'm pretty good at), religion (for the record I'm wiccan), politics, reading, and music. I also enjoy assorted online/video/computer games, going to the gym, riding my motorbike, and some adrenaline rush activities when I get the chance (went bungy jumping for my 30th, and skydiving for the second time about 6 weeks ago).

I do rant and rave a lot about a variety of different topics and things that are affecting my real life. I'm not sure how much of it will appear on here, or if this will purely be a blog to keep people generally updated on what is happening in my life, but you have been warned.

A quick update on some information for people who have asked, or most likely will do.

Ended a long term relationship about 7 months ago, with someone I was probably going to marry. My dad's cancer hasn't progressed further, and his health is really good at the moment, though there is no treatment available since the radiation therapy didn't work and the cancer is inoperable. As for my health, everything is great, last blood test was normal and scan was clear.

Thats all for now.