A picture of me
Most people who have never seen me but know me from online, have always pictured me as looking like the typical Australian guy (at least what they assume all aussie men look like), that being blonde hair, good tan, surfie type. Which, I don't. So, here is a picture of me, it's not the greatest and it was taken after I had been to the dentist earlier that day, but it will have to do because I can't be bothered finding or getting a different one.
I appreciate that you are not blonde and all rough and ultra tan-but other than the slight frown on your face (dentists do that), you look marvelous dahling!
*gasp* a comment, and I was beginning to think it was all just getting lost in the massive void of cyberspace, hehe. Yeah, I'd had some dental surgery, so I guess that might explain the slight frown. It's very nice of you to say I look marvelous though.
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